Today's Date: Tuesday, March 04, 2025
First Sea-Lift in Russian Federation
Port Dubrovka, located on the Neva River in Kirovsk between St. Petersburg and Lake Ladoga, recently have commissioned a Model 45 Sea-Lift for use with their new dry storage facility project underway. Port Dubrovka will now be the first in the Russian Federation to offer a full service haul out facility to accommodate boats up to 65 feet or 20 meters in a sheltered environment during the harsh winter months. Multiple services will be available for customers who no longer must endure traveling to Finland to keep their boats safe and warm.
How To Beat A Hurricane
Research proves boats fare better on dry land during a storm. In fact, a study by MIT after hurricane Gloria found that boats stored ashore were far less likely to have been wrecked than boats stored in the water (Boat US, 2009).
The Sea-Lift is the worlds fastest self propelled hydraulic haul out trailer. Using a beavertail style trailer enables the Sea-Lift to be loaded up for transport to the face of a pending storm in under 10 minutes, with no other lifting equipment needed. Once onsite, a Sea-Lift can haul out a 240 slip marina in as fast as 60 hours. The potential to contract with with multiple marinas during storm season enables an entrepreneur the ability to perform a needed service to under served markets. The slide show below illustrates the Sea-Lift trailer loading process for transportation. .
New Worldwide Partnerships
KMI Sea-Lift is proud to announce new partnerships with multiple marinas worldwide.
Port Dubrovka, located on the Neva River near St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; will soon complete commissioning of the first Sea-Lift to be utilized in Eastern Europe. A Model 45-Adjustable Sea-Lift will also be delivered in October to Lions Gate Marina, located in Vancouver, British Columbia. Production is now underway of Model 45-Adjustable Sea-Lifts destined for the most progressive marinas in South East Asia and Australia. Located in the jewels of Perak, Malaysia; Marina Pangkor will begin utilization of a Sea-Lift in January 2010. January will also see Gold Coast Marine Centre, Located on Australia's renowned Gold Coast; vastly enhance their current operations with the multiple benefits a Sea-Lift provides. KMI Sea-Lift is also extremely excited to announce a partnership with St. Maarten Shipyard in the Caribbean to produce what will be the world's largest capacity Sea-Lift, a Model 75-Adjustable. This Sea-Lift will be capable of safely handling vessels up to 150,000 pounds and up to 85 feet in length. Delivery is slated for the 2nd quarter of 2010.
Recent Catamaran Haulout at North Harbor
This photo illustrates how the model 45-Ton Sea-Lift can be shipped domestically. One trailer reduces shipping costs dramatically.